🔗 网页链接 Austrian prosecutor: Call to kill Jews is legal criticism of Israel #真.奥派# //@布尔费墨: 这才是欧洲的现实:你可以画莫罕莫德的生殖器,但是不能在本身不是讽刺犹太教的漫画里提到犹太教。而上街示威的那些干部就是支持、通过和实施这类“反仇恨”法律的人展开全文
We appeal, comrades, to the warlike feelings which once inspired the peoples of the East when these peoples, led by their great conquerors, advanced upon Europe...to the memory of Genghis-Khan and the great conquering Caliphs of Islam. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
Minucius Felix cites a Roman pagan who strongly criticized the Christians for their anti-gladiatorial posture: You do not visit exhibitions(春晚); you have no concern in public displays(反日游行); you reject the public banquets(庆丰包子), and abhor the sacred contests(鬼火传递).展开全文
Dietrich's scientific treatises on light, on color, and on the rainbow contributed greatly to the development of optics.🔗 网页链接 //@文涛薛氏: 那个时期一切科学都是为神学服务的 //@数学与艺术MaA: 中世纪教会学校的四科包括算术几何音乐及天文展开全文
Christian lands provided a haven for the Jews when the intolerant Berber tribes overran al-Andalus.🔗 网页链接 Toward the end of the thirteenth century, the phrase "better under Edom than under Ishmael" was cited sporadically by Bible commentators.🔗 网页链接展开全文
1933年美苏建交,纽约商界为苏联外长Litvinov举办盛大招待会。The president of International Business Machines even urged Americans to promote better relations in the future by refraining "from any criticism of the present form of Government adopted by Russia." 🔗 网页链接展开全文
ISIS在占领区内提供水电、支付工资,控制交通并管理面包房,鉴于 “Congressman ron paul says a dollar collapse is imminent.” 又推出金本位保值套餐🔗 网页链接 何止是补贴,简直折合72个葉璐珊 //@布尔费墨: 对新疆何止是补贴。简直是高福利社会展开全文
这条居然消失了//@猞猁雪球: “Military forces destroyed numerous Assyrian churches during the 1988 Anfal Campaign and reportedly tortured and executed many Assyrians.” 🔗 网页链接 “Assyrian Churches Destroyed by the Regime of Saddam Hussein” 🔗 网页链接展开全文
“Military forces destroyed numerous Assyrian churches during the 1988 Anfal Campaign and reportedly tortured and executed many Assyrians.” 🔗 网页链接 “Assyrian Churches Destroyed by the Regime of Saddam Hussein” 🔗 网页链接展开全文
All this does not mean, however, that there may not have been death in some sense of the word in the lower creation apart from sin.🔗 网页链接 //@小草GrassGL: 如果进化是神所定规的话,那么进化过程中的中间物种的死亡也就是神所定规的,而不是出于罪了展开全文
Victims of crucifixion, under Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq🔗 网页链接 Amnesty International documented the macabre forms of torture used by Saddam Hussein, including crucifixion.🔗 网页链接 🔗 网页链接展开全文
BBC News - Argentina gives Hugo Chavez press freedom award 🔗 网页链接 //@小白兔吃猫饼干: 当年也是用这种方式作为源头,最终推翻了庇隆政权,可惜阿兰武鲁没有得到皮诺切特那样强有力的支持,阿根廷人自己也没有后来的智利人清醒,军政府还政后仍然是垃圾样展开全文
基地组织钱庄Nada Management董事会成员🔗 网页链接 名言:Hitler has always said, the only religion I respect is Islam, and the only prophet I admire is Mohammed.🔗 网页链接 又赞霍梅尼是元首续命人🔗 网页链接展开全文
“under Byzantine authority Jews could not purchase any property that the church had; under Islam, they could purchase no property. Under the Byzantines, Jews could act as witnesses; not so under Islam. ”🔗 网页链接展开全文