1)原来不是所有西人都好聊,有去无回挤牙膏有点累好么--我终于知道我以前有多让人无语凝噎了= =+;2)这岛上游客还不少,昨天不小心着实眼花了几秒,竟然完全不紧张--那句话咋说的来着,everything that has a beginning has an end;3)BrdU爷爷是我的group leader,我争取不做猪队友!展开全文
今早我们的司机大叔说"Today we are going to 'Switzerland'." 我心想难道我幻听到这种地步了?!我没放弃治疗啊= =+ 原来他们觉得Nuwara Eliya这小镇有那风格……要是去瑞士的各种成本有那么低又好了~ 我在:斯里兰卡Nuwara Eliya展开全文
Well, things' getting complicated and beyond me...I've no idea if it is coincidence or politics. Unfortunately I lost my power of judgement again...But I know where I stand and I don't want to be utilized anyway. So... give me some time to figure it out, and get myself out of it.展开全文 原微博