辣!辣!辣!比辣妹子好,辣杯子! 哈哈 这些2014年限量版本@可口可乐 杯子太爽了,想要的话跟我的叔叔讲吧 (就是@麦当劳 叔叔! )Hot! Hot! Hot! Better than hot girls are hot glasses! These Coca Cola glasses are awesome! If you want some ask Uncle Ron! (Ronald Mcdonald that is)[鼓掌]展开全文
上瘾了平板支撑了! 谢谢@豪丽斯咖啡 提供场地记录我第一次做平板支撑,几秒之后屁股就开始抖,你能坚持多长时间呢? 别忘了报名@时尚健康 的#平板支撑世界杯# First time planking after seconds my butt started to shake, how long can you last for? [haha] 🔗 网页链接展开全文
你的英文不行!没关系,通过麦小龙的两分钟的“快速教法”,让你和任何的老外沟通最热话题,走起!Your English sucks! no problem, today in two minutes Chelsey will teach you to quickly communicate with any foreigner about the hottest topics, lets go! [嘘] #赞英文#🔗 网页链接展开全文
鸡蛋一斤五块二人民币? 通过十天的时间鸡蛋的价钱从四块二,四块六,四块九一直涨到今天的五块二! #鸡蛋价格# One jin of eggs is now 5.2 RMB? Through a span of ten days the price of eggs rose from 4.2, 4.6, 4.9, to today’s price of 5.2 per jin! #Priceofeggssnowballing#展开全文
"Chelsey is sick, last time I had a cold we were jumping to Van Halen, Michael Jackson's hair caught on fire and Karate was cool, what year was this?" 麦小龙感冒了,上次感冒大家在听范·海伦的跳,迈克尔杰克逊的头发着火了和空手道特别潮,是哪一年呢?展开全文
中国加拿大投资三千万要合拍电影,”泰山”准备2014年上映,我顺利了拿到猴子的角色? China and Canada invested 3 billlion to shoot a.new “Tarzan” movie set to hit theatres in 2014. I recently got casted to play Tarzans monkey in the film? [哈哈]查看全文>>展开全文
"If food is to die for, then I died twice last night!" “如果膳食是值得死,那我昨天死了两次!” 这个翻译对吗?BTW.这是这周的“treat"膳食 ”If food is to die for, then I died twice last night!" BTW. This is this week‘s "Treat” meal.查看全文>>展开全文
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."中文怎么说呢?特别感谢我来自@Human_in_Motion-IHP中国 的教练鲁本,没有他的话#小龙变身记BecomingBruce#不可能实现。Special thanks to my coach Ruben cause without him Becoming Bruce wouldn't have happened, thanks coach! [心]查看全文>>展开全文
好咖啡,好书,好气氛在@TheRug , "生活就是如此的精彩"。 BTW. 这是我初次用一天的时间把一本书都看完! Great coffee, great book, great atmosphere at The Rug, "Life is beautiful like is." BTW.First time ever used one day to fully read a book![鼓掌]查看全文>>展开全文