今日出街的NYTimes, 评论文章( Sexism and the Single Murderess), 写到是怎样的性别不平等会导致受了性侵犯的女性当新闻曝光后,会感到如此甚至好似大于行凶者应承担的耻辱,一般的屈辱以至自杀。如果在推特上发出自己私处照片的不是Weiner而是她老婆,这位州长也会一样支持自己的妻子吗?展开全文 原微博
as much as I wanted you to make decision based on your own judgement and observation, though it is your own choice that whether you want to let the stupid subjectivity take the thunder. 展开全文 原微博
Friends 718, Rachel说,i had a crush on my professor. Joey说,how did you get over it? Rachel: No, I didn't. I got under it. Joey: see, problem's solved! 哈哈哈哈展开全文 原微博