休谟说:When a man is possessed of the delicacy of sentiment(即“精致的品味”的意思), he is more happy by what pleases his taste, than by what gratifies his appetites, and receives more enjoyment from a poem or a piece of reasoning than the most expensive luxury can afford.展开全文
Thomson《四季》之《夏》Down comes a deluge of sonorous hail,/ In the white, heavenly magazines congeal'd;/ And often fatal to th39; unshelter'd head/ Of man, or rougher beast. 从天上,从白雨珠冻结的弹药库里,/冰雹倾盆而下,挟着洪亮的坠声;/人或野兽裸露的头顶,常被砸出/ 致命的伤痕。展开全文
弟弟说,基思家的公子喊着死前要见你最后一面。海伦冷峻地回答:In all that his soul sees, there am I。言下之意,若真心忏悔,我即在他心里,何须再见一回?最后远处丧钟敲响,不久弟弟看到一白影从门前飘过,便问是谁在霜里叹息?海伦说:A soul that’s lost as mine is lost. 爱恨纠葛的是人间。展开全文
莫里斯说,罗塞蒂只关心自己的个人事务,尤其是与文学艺术有关的。他会不辞辛劳去帮助某个人摆脱身心痛苦,但他绝不会去思量一群人的痛苦和不幸。It needs a person of hopeful mind to take a disinterested notice of politics。在莫里斯看来,要以超然的态度看待政治事务,需当事人心怀乐观和希望。展开全文
艾迪生1712年《旁观者》:A Man of a Polite Imagination is let into a great many Pleasures, that the Vulgar are not capable of receiving…It gives him indeed a kind of Property in every thing he sees, and makes the most rude uncultivated Parts of Nature administer to his Pleasures.展开全文