忽视英文。。#复仇者联盟#。亲们包邮哦哈哈哈@锤基图控 @Joey枣儿 @夹维斯 @在黑珍珠號上拖地 原微博 纯控丶萝卜叔
这位老基友,您闪瞎了我的钛金狗眼!@夹维斯 的照片很棒(来自专辑 微博配图),推荐给大家! 🔗 网页链接 原微博 纯控丶萝卜叔
mediocrity is my biggest fear. i am not afraid of total failure because i don't think that will happen. i am not afraid of success because that beats the hell out of failure. it's being in the middle that scares me.-------RDJ(英盲自己百度翻译吧)🔗 网页链接 展开全文原微博