今天的吃货之旅好艰辛!--走断腿了还是没找到蒋有记锅贴 @avaloncable ,跑到别的锅贴店结果人家卖光了。。。最好呲的蜜汁藕也卖光了。。。在鸡汁汤包店里吃到的疑似普通小笼包。。。。。。好在买到了三块钱一大包的草莓。。。结果被挤烂了好些
【教皇背后的那些情】 那些年,他们从小一起长大。直到那一年,他12岁,她13岁。 他给她写了一封信, 求婚! 他说,我以后想娶你,如果你不答应的话,我就做牧师去了。。那一年, 她没有答应。他很伤心,决意投身神职,服务上帝。 64年后。他当选为全球12亿天主教徒的教皇 -- Jorge Mario Bergoglio
"When the door you've been knocking at finally swings open, you don't ask why. You run through. That is the simple fact."
看过《后窗》:1. Charming block in NY 60 years ago... made me want to move to a similar blocks in SH. 2. Lisa has to turn herself into the ideal image of woman in Jeff's mind to re-gain his interest and love, how pathetically real. 3. Hmm.. ★★★★ 🔗 网页链接