今天五刷....坐在我旁边的妹子全程都在秉着呼吸,在最后Raven用枪指着Trask的时候,用哭腔大吼DROP THE GUN!!!!她另一旁边的满脸胡子的汉子,应该是她男朋友,全程身体向前倾,最后结尾的时候听到一声巨响的抽鼻涕声..........果然前几次跟我一起看的观众都太冷静!!【喂展开全文 原微博
James McAvoy Thinks The X-Men Could Beat Up The Avengers “I could just go like ‘sit down,’ and they’ll all sit down… I could be like ‘take your clothes off, and they’d all be taking their clothes off.’ 詹巨巨各种吐槽复仇者们的能力,铁人队长鹰眼中枪🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
天哪他最爱的居然是Sam Rockwell 快合作!!简直太幸福//@RushRushmore: " My favourite actor - so if I get to work with him in a movie and the price is that I need to give snog - is Sam Rockwell. My favourite living actor." (・ω´・ )展开全文
James McAvoy Doesn't Think The Two Xavier's Will Come Face To Face In X-MEN: DOFP "It'll be cool, but I don't think we get any scenes together, sadly. I don't think there's any future self talking to past self." 一美说老小教授续集不会有对手戏..我的心碎了.....🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博