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    我来补充:1.We have a lot in common我们有很多共同点 2.We always see eye to eye我们的观点总是相同 3.You smarty pants!你这个自作聪明的家伙 4.You're way out of line你太过分了。
    回答几个问题。1. 有共同语言 speak the same language; 2. 好为人师的人 a know-it-all, a know-all;3. 倒霉 bad luck, 4. 躺枪 an innocent bystander caught in the crossfire; 5. 太过分了 you've gone too far. 6. 天上掉馅饼, windfall. 7. 大智若愚 Still water runs deep.
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