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    A giant fish was captured in China. No one wants to keep it save & let it live any longer. "Let's fu*king kill it, cook it, eat it and make a world record out of it!" A Tibetan monk says, "It is your Karma, poor thing. I will buy all of your babies in the market and free them."
    【世界最大"剁椒鱼头"长沙热乎开锅】经过近两小时猛火蒸制,世界最大的"剁椒鱼头"昨日在长沙亮相。罕见有机鳙鱼长1.4米,鱼头重102斤,由12人团队共同烹制。吉尼斯工作人员现场颁发了证书。认证后的"剁椒鱼头王"现场拍卖,善款捐赠给湖南贫困学子,拍得的"鱼头王"免费给市民品尝。🔗 网页链接
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