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    How can I wait until counting the days until every hour speaks to me ...But when I see you once more I’ll know that I’ve waited for How I love you so I’ll be yours until our song moves through us again like kisses blow in the wind...感受记忆中,那挥之不去的爱
    很多事,唯有当距离渐远的时候,才能回首看清它。花香浮华,只在记忆里最美,人莫如是........聆听 Swan Dive 歌曲中的哀伤和激情,品味内心的触动;那种感觉,久久无法散去,迷人的法文唱腔,清澈的嗓音和炽热的情感如夏日的清风般令人沉醉......🔗 网页链接
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