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    允许我破坏气氛,说中文了。不得不说宁波诺丁汉里面明信片,钥匙扣,书签,雨伞,文化衫各种热卖啊。还有他们的地下咖啡馆超赞的,居然开在行政楼下面,有意思,很适合做party。 //@坐拥貂蝉有恃无恐的吕布: It reminds me of the souvenir store we visited in university of Nottingham Ningbo
    【PHOTO TALKS-A BETTER ZOU】 I think ZOU can be better if we have a coffee place or a bookstore selling things that represent our university, like T-shirts or hoodies with ZOU logo, that would make us proud to be a member of ZOU! Rossi 🔗 网页链接
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