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    //@人生若只如初见-何林: 难以想象我们会看到1998年1月的一幕会在欧洲重现,当时印尼总统苏哈托签署了与国际货币基金组织之间的协议备忘录,接受了国际货币基金组织提出的结构调整一揽子计划,当时国际货币基金组织总裁米歇尔 康德苏双臂交叉抱于胸前,居高临下地看着他!
    It is inconceivable that we will see a reprise in Euro of the Jan1998 scene when president S of Indonesia signed the memorandum of agreement between Indon and IMF accepting the IMF's structural adjustment package,with the IMF Managing Director peering down at him with folded arms
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