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    LU escaped the EVIL CCP only to be killed by a terrorist. CCP is at fault for her death. She would not have left China if CCP was not so OPPRESSIVE!! Her parents saved all her life to get her out of this CCP SH T HOLE!!! I weep for all my fellow Chinese trapped, imprisoned,
    她在读研,数学和统计;她爱鲜花和春天;她刚通过一项考评,高高兴兴给教授发了感谢邮件;就在这个早晨,她拍下自己简单的早餐挂到网上说:“我美妙的早餐!”;她活泼、快乐、珍惜、感恩;然后…然后她和几个朋友去看马拉松;她们守在终点,忽然之间,她的美丽人生也到了终点……🔗 网页链接
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