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    let the sky be my shroud //@东3环北路: huv u ever seen the sky? a billion souls walk under it every single day n dont even bother 2 look up n wonder whats out there. next time u r outside in the middle of the night, look up. it is so damn beautiful.
    “地球与太空”单元冠军作品《星辰下的冰布》,由日本摄影师宫阪昌浩(Masahiro Miyasaka)在日本长野拍摄,展示了笼罩在猎户座、金牛座和昴星团下的冰布。照片中,昴星团中的恒星呈亮蓝色,虽然看似冰冷,实际上温度高达3万摄氏度。🔗 网页链接
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