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    Good morning Nicky, I love the way you deal with the things.... I never thought you'll be injured for playing a Bu Bu 2. I do believe we should trust & respect everybody. However in reality you may have to make your own judgment. Take care. //@奇國曉恩: 老大早 //@吴奇隆: 苦中作樂,
    独家:【《寒冬》片场花絮曝光 吴奇隆戏外变“顽童”】近日,由@吴奇隆 主演的大型谍战剧《寒冬》正在紧张拍摄中,而他与@蔡妍 戏外嬉戏的花絮也首度曝光,吴奇隆模仿蔡妍跑步的姿势,装酷卖萌,还跟她用跆拳道打闹,给剧组制造了诸多笑料。让我们先睹为快吧!🔗 网页链接
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