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    Rootote Charity Event! JJ's DIY Rootote artwork will be exhibited in Taipei from 3/15 to 3/24. Yahoo charity will host the internet auction for 10 days. All successful bids will be donated to "The Children Charity Association". Don't forget to join the auction!
    2013 Rootote手繪童心。公益慈善義賣展! @林俊杰 的DIY手繪包包 3/15~3/24 將在台北-京站百貨1樓廣場展出~ Yahoo奇摩公益拍賣也同時開放競標(為期10天)~ 義賣所得將全數捐給"兒童慈善協會" 大家到時一起來參與競標做公益吧! 🔗 网页链接
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