平时走在路上被拉客的摩托车夫各种狂按喇叭也就算了,现在我只不过天热开着窗吹风而已!连开车在互不相干的两条道上都被摩托车司机死跟几百米并在和我平行的地方不停狂按喇叭,实在很Creepy!!见我伸了个手指出来才退回去! 原微博 venuskong
这两年来听着不腻歪的小清新也就Arco那张<Coming to Terms>了。"How can I speak, you've taken all the words.""I feel like an alien, not part of the human race, but my heart wants to burst, at the sight of your face.""Just like driving at night,with the illusion I'm going somewhere" 展开全文原微博 venuskong
看到Cage和Depp都在裏面我失語了,我是正太控,正太控啊……(PД`q。=)>·。'゜ //@Double-Vanilla: haha, UNCLE 原微博