#Baybeats 2013# Free performances at esplanade. Watched the Japanese band and a British 14year old talent playing piano solo. The 14year old teenager is so cute! And he has the voice of an adult, sexy. Love the melody so much, so so beautifu展开全文
#国大圈子# 【[撒花帖]当当当当当,新版“国大圈子”开张啦!顶帖给花给桃啦,快来猛击本帖】 It is all about NUS! 但凡国大那些事儿,都欢迎大家来版上讨论灌水卖萌调戏求调戏。。。支持国大版,从顶帖开始--→来自huasing.org论坛片段 🔗 网页链接 @华新Huasing 求扩散求人气!展开全文 原微博