#超凡蜘蛛侠2# Emma Stone wore her 1980s-style grey power suit for the interview with Scott Mills at radio 1 in London. 加菲的衣服是为了衬石头姐配的吧...可是这样....好像一只巨型土豆还一直竖着大拇指给大家点赞...蠢蠢的....这样与石头姐站一块儿............展开全文
#the amazing spider-man 2# 因为这小女孩俺被挤得胃都要跳出了 加菲给她签名,拍selfie的时候,她妈妈一直在撕心裂肺地喊"she is my daughter, what kind of mother can't take photo with her daughter您没病吧非要把女儿带最前面,又不管她,自己在拍照大叫,埋怨我们不给他位置展开全文
#Jesse Eisenberg#@控优猫@冷渊瑜瑜奋力要崛起 Yooooooo人在河边走哪有不湿鞋,被妹子发现了吧嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿 What's the word, There is no fire without fire? Jesse, just confess yourself, okay?The SCENE must remain fresh in SOMEBODY'S memory!!!!!展开全文
领袖虽说右右是个asshole, 正剧里把你演绎的可好了!真不去看看吗 //@Enjolras_LesAmis: Haven't seen it. Not interested.//@AaronTveit: EEE!Hello E, I am the man who play you in the movie, how do ypu like my展开全文
I speak for the future, not the past. But if you must know, think about why and how we built our barricade 181 years ago and look around you now. France took a while to reach the point but it did. It's still far away from where we're heading but it gets closer. It's how it works.转发 1评论 0
GB小哥太会玩儿了 看看他改的词吧,Revolutionary school? the leader in red?U R good for nothing ,fool? 天噜小哥你不仅feelings被bruised,你是脑门被bruised啦 Best fanfic ever!!!填词翻唱啥的像小哥学学哈,深情并茂全身心投入的 戳右边🔗 网页链接展开全文
#pacific rim#Mako and chuck have known each other a long time ago. Chuck lets her take care of Max while he is gone and It is the only way he knows how to apologize to her, only way to tell her that he wishes she was out there, fulfilling her dreams.傲娇与Mako的羁绊也很令人感动 展开全文 原微博
#PR x Newsroom#推荐下这篇文http://t.cn/zQETuq5,洋妹子的脑洞好赞!顺着它开了点脑洞,PR•伪前传•全员向首先简述下原作:开篇用大量笔墨描写了Don与Sloan的甜蜜同居生活(妹子让这两终成眷属了,感动cry) 之后接到CI旧金山发生地震的线报,大伙儿纷纷赶🔗 网页链接展开全文