【开卷语:每个民族都有自己的伏地魔】这“最后一个投降兵”的死去,并不意味日本军国主义就此消失,嗜血伏地魔依然潜伏在日本列岛之下,并正在一个神庙中渐渐苏醒。我们要防备他们的魔鬼重生,更要提防自己的魔鬼蠢蠢欲动。本期“鬼子走了”开卷语:"We all have our dark side."🔗 网页链接展开全文
People come to realize that China's education is nowhere near to make sense//@张成熙: We can look forward to the prairie fire via this spark . It is, however, China's lousy education that makes the sensible reasonable father come to this best of bunch! Time is trying all the way展开全文