next time someone talk shit to you, you tell them: trau ni ma, OK? How r u doing in Beijing? I knew you long ago but just got to know you help Beijing won the CBA champion, not easy job at all, and heard about your atitude and personality are so NICE, really really admire! 展开全文原微博 kim叔
//@华女Viter: //@kenlong0317: //@实用小百科: 华仔演老大超帅哦! 【《江湖》】香港黑帮片,主演阵容超强大:刘德华、张学友、陈冠希、余文乐、曾志伟、杜汶泽、林雪、惠英红,气氛做足,线索饱满,情绪绷到极致,一气呵成的黑帮佳作,结局完全出乎意料!更多好看,敬请关注@最销魂的电影 ) 转发 1评论 0 原微博