I heard that MH370 is a code sharing flight with CZ748, its China Southern Airlines. So, Those passengers's families can go after China Southern Airlines for further explanation too as its a shared liability in this case.CSA just keep quiet since day 1. LoL!展开全文 原微博
If you let go of something that dear to you, accepting it with your heart, who knows one day you will get something better than that.... hon am sad right now @k王NG展开全文 原微博
Here are the Obama's gun's plan: 1. Require criminal background checks for all gun sales. 2. Take 4 executive actions to ensure information on dangerous people is available in background checks. 3. Reinstate & strengthen the assault weapons ban.展开全文 原微博
in my eyes, your family planning policy is just a pure evil made by arrogant beings who selfishly holding the power to control the poor souls in china. forcing a mother to abort her baby is just unspeakable 🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博