看到菜单,bami面/nasi米多么熟悉的字眼啊,荷兰的中餐馆全部沿用了印尼人的叫法,可能是当年的印尼华人传过去的//@洛杉矶吃货小分队: 搜了下Yelp图片真让人垂涎!四星好评只有一个$喔~ //@耀客代购奢侈品的天堂: 回复@洛杉矶吃货小分队: Simpang Asia 地址是 10433 National Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90034展开全文
"The Joshua Tree takes its title from the tree that somehow survives in the desert, and much of its material suggests an attempt, within the aridity, to quench a profoundly spiritual thirst." —Don McLeeseU2-I Still Haven't Found What I'm L...-🔗 网页链接展开全文