陈列刚结束就迫不及待的上照了〜〜〜我亲爱的恩熙妹纸一直担心着我这马大哈姐姐〜〜〜还一直跟我说把贤重的弄花了,姐姐我除了感动还是感动〜〜〜 @YoonEunHee 谢谢妞〜〜〜姐姐会好好珍藏的 原微博 effi陈陈
对@朴施厚 说: Today saw oppa hair of wei bo , and twitese, oppa is now is not familiar with more pictures of sina wei bo? how to upload so ? Below is a step! More photos can be divided into two kinds of modes upload oh! Also don't know oppa can to see? 展开全文原微博