This, said, Watergate remains to the the quintessential social drama in US modern history.Its enduring process can be broken into a series of mini-social dramas,in which the Frost/Nixon interviews counted as an important episode, maybe finale.展开全文 原微博
"Travesty of justice" on "right to a fair trial" uncovered by investigative journalists in "custodian of conscience":A defendant in IL was represented by a lawyer specialized in REAL ESTATE,who had him plead guilty w/o negotiating for leniency.The client was sentenced to death.展开全文 原微博
I've almost come to know why this land'll breed no meaningful reform.Where systematic wrong is taken by public to be normal, where "dynamics of hopes abridged' and no moral outrage or righteous indignation felt,there can be no action.Cynicism in public discourse leads to ennui.展开全文 原微博
An elementary cultural schema is certainty/uncertainty, the former's contingent/political/contemporary;the latter,eternal/universal/ covering an air crash,the background|eternal(uncertainty of death)is at the service of the foreground|contingent(order of technology)展开全文 原微博
Who is it to say that faith&religion've lost power in a post-industrial,disenchanted world? I'd say to conquer the extraordinary odds of fate one's blessed if (s)he has a personal religion to cling to and find peace in.Symbols give rise to strength&new reality--a mighty one at it展开全文 原微博
"Journalists make their own stories but not from material they personally selected. Materials r thrust upon them."很像多年前读过一句"history is in the saddle,&rides man" 开始死活想不起来谁说的,google也没有,突然想到可能是Emerson, 再查果然有"Events are in the saddle&ride mankind"!展开全文 原微博
看来最好的批评家的状态是ironical without being cynical, without subjecting to the debilitating effect of irony decayed into cynicism. the 1st is dark (warned by Hayden White); the 2nd promises light and liberation created by detached observation&god's eye view (e.g. Thomas Mann)展开全文 原微博
saw BAFTA highlights via fashion TV-pointing to synergy btw fashion&film.Brit awards today r dominated by hollywood but Skyall&LES MISÉRABLES are actually british made.hobnobbing of A+list creators mean there's no better vanity fair where winner takes all than cultural industries展开全文 原微博
初读"Liberalism and the Limits of Justice". meandering into a new field is tough, esp when text is written in highly philosphical terms. Sandel还真是艰深的理论著作和千人大课都能驾驭自如的.这是他成为pop star之前的作品,难怪如此难读.那些在论战里对其水平表不屑的想来以大尾巴狼为多啊..展开全文 原微博
It's really, really, really publish or perish now. Not only articles but a-list articles. Not only articles but also grants. Am I shooting for the sky here? "You don't want to perish."展开全文 原微博
Campbell罐头汤,可口可乐,麦片,苹果汁,肥皂粉的包装盒,都成艺术了。毁誉参半但最酷的还是他接受采访那个deadpan的范儿"the Canadian gov spokesman said your art can't be described as original sculpture, do you agree with that?""ah..yes""why do you agree?""because it's not original"展开全文 原微博
"Ron Paul, with his chronically ill-fitting suits,looked cranky; Rick Santorum...angry; Rick Perry...poleaxed and confused; Jon Huntsman..nervous; Newt Gingrich ..overexcited...Romney looked like the grown-up--the winner, the obvious candidate--with or without sound."展开全文 原微博
the brand value of a successful social network site comes before its actual content and product, which is the opposite of an old mode of production in which a successful brand tails a successful product. it's like putting a cart before a horse or vice versa.展开全文