honestly, i speak no english//@贝小戎: 学哲学的能占点便宜, paradigm 库恩,范式的转变,epiphany,海德格尔,顿悟,hegemony 乔姆斯基,霸权,irony,苏格拉底反讽,kinetic这个微软普及了一下,nihilism,尼采!tautology同意反复,逻辑展开全文
TBBT has been always the unlimited source of my positive energy with its 'whimsically inventive' sense of humor which tickles me into continuous laughters and is uncomparable in the world filled of shabby jokes where i could rarely release a bit of giggle.展开全文 原微博
"I hate that term 'soulmate', not only it's a cliche, but it's the reason millions of women are unhappy and single. "——The Big C 这就像我们以前讨论的:“世界上人口这么多,总归有你那位英俊如金城武的soulmate的咯。”“他在你刚才说话的时候出车祸死了。”(截图来自豆瓣????小肚子)