@小熊爱跳舞 看第二张harry potter里的纳威 现在变得好帅 丹尼尔是越长越难看 原微博 alltimelow123
it's so nice to see you again in wuhan, and i heard you played the song favorite, it's my favorite song:) the new album is great,more melody and a little bit rock'n'roll,i hope to see you guys soon!@AgnesKain_Official 展开全文原微博 alltimelow123
现场听喜欢歌手演唱是件幸福事 agnes kain again 原微博 alltimelow123
//@X傑夫: //@若齐他爹: //@曲洋: 次哦,白宫真的影响到了事情进展,那麻烦税务局帮我们把税款划拨一些给美国政府吧,必须的!//@香港文匯網: 已过10万。 原微博