Day 13,14,15: 需要坚持;成果不可以被一朵小浪花击败。all things are difficult before the become easy. 今晚跟@肖珊珊--Charlene 逛蓬瀛湖,小谈人生理想,真的,知心人不好找,谢谢你的陪伴!社团人在成长,于是老去的我在他们身上寻求影子。加油噢,社团精英!申研的事情正在进行中,等福音中。展开全文
@banana饼饼 Ten-year girl-friend~~ Oh, it is eleven now!!! Happy Birthday!!! Sorry I am late but it is still your birthday here. lol Remember, you deserve happiness! So to chase your dream and meet him and to be happy!! We love you forever~~展开全文 原微博