When we look out into space, we are looking into our origins. And written into every atom and every molecule of our bodies is the entire history of universe from the Big Bang to the present day. Because we are truly children of stars.展开全文
【德国歌手 Herbert Grönemeyer为其亡妻创作的歌曲《Demo》的伴奏,歌中弥漫绵绵思恋,音乐改编自巴赫的未完成曲《Letzter Tag 最后一天》。Polina Semionova德国当代的顶尖芭蕾舞者之一,从指间流露出的是单纯、爱、坚毅,以及生命的力量。】... 🔗 网页链接 @杀死阿琪 给你个原版展开全文