本期创业磨坊-StartupGrind Guangzhou将于8月31日和大家见面!本期嘉宾:广州谷歌开发者社区(GDG)组织者、BestApp工作室CEO何英琪Anson Ho,他的团队是中国第一个Google Glass开发团队。详情:🔗 网页链接 。 活动门票:75元,网上购票: 60元🔗 网页链接 。门票含Pizza午餐及饮料。 展开全文原微博 StartupGrind广州
haxlr8r is a new kind of accelerator program. For people who hack hardware and make things. #startupgrind# haxlr8r has startups from around the world. They incubate hardware based companies in Shenzhen, where they can quickly iterate between design and manufacturing. 我在:🔗 网页链接 转发 1评论 0 原微博