揭开你虚伪的面具吧 //@NewBee大黄黄黄: //@潛艇隊長: Fuck..I kill him //@NewBee大黄黄黄: @Frrrredaaaa @CR_L @潛艇隊長 @NewBee大孟梦梦 @NewBee大晨晨晨 @NewNee大毅毅毅 @NewBeeMammy @羊咩咩的MICRO部落格 //@NewBee大黄黄黄: 打女人的还算男人吗?!真特么不是东西!!! 展开全文It would be easier if love had just disappeared the minute that your hand struck my face, but it did not. Seeing that you were having make up applied for TV appearance while I was in hospital hurts more than your slamming my head on the floor. 转发 1评论 0 原微博