哎 看见你俩那照片儿 我就合计 words are words 自己不强大 就跟 落后就要挨打 是一个道理 硬实力+软实力+巧实力=“qu ni ma le ge bi" 我不想承认 那就是在骗我自己 启示我早就怂了 没事儿 不怕 咱从小就被威胁惯了 引用一下名言 咱开始“逆境当中求发展” In Trance, we trust!!!展开全文 原微博
我在@微盘 :"Shanya's DJ201 Mix 1.wav" a mix from DJ 201 at summer. not a lot beat effects cuz im still figuring these kind of things. & 2 mistakes inside.waiting for your comments^^ either good or bad. hope u guys like it: 🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
one of my favorite guy, Daaaaaash Berlinnnnnnn'll destroy the dance floor in Beijing in Sept 19, 2013 ???? What's that for??? @DJMag@COOLDJAGENCY u guys should check that out!!! this is a must have!!!!! @独自奔跑的孩纸_@Mr_HAHAAA展开全文