【Parents Who Support Corporal Punishment Do It a Lot】 Thirty-three families allowed themselves to be recorded for up to six nights.Parents who said they supported corporal punishment did it often and they did it reactively even conflict started, and for m展开全文
The antimicrobial triclosan(T) is a common ingredient in hand soap. But it's also found in shampoos deodorants,toothpaste.So it's not too surprising that T also shows up in blood, urine, breast milk and mucus.But those T residues may actually boost bacterial growth in our bodies.展开全文
教大家一句高贵冷艳狂拽霸气自欺欺人的万能英文句式「...is/are for pussies!」意思是「怂逼才...呢!」【例】--没日没夜搬砖,你啥时候睡觉啊?--Sleep is for pussies!(怂逼才睡觉呢!)或者Diets are for pussies!/ Vacations are for pussies!/ iPhone 5s is for pussies! /Love is for pussies!展开全文
【Male Orangutans Announce Tomorrow's Travel Plans】Before traveling, male orangutans emit loud roars called long calls,audible more than a kilometer away, mostly in the direction that they plan to move, attracting females while warding off rival males where they'll be.展开全文
Certain african fish evolved short generations to survive in temporary ponds that dry up after just a few months each year. One species could already reproduce at 17 days of age.Their temporary ponds force them to live fast, die young and leave a desiccated corpse.展开全文
【Air Gun Blasts Shatter Undersea Tranquility】Thesound of air gun testing for the presence of oil and gas under the seabed."Air gun" is a euphemism for a massive release of compressed air.Whales,dolphins and hundreds of thousands of the animals can be injured by them each year.展开全文
【Sexting Habits of Teens】Sending digital, sexually explicit material—otherwise know as sexting—is on the rise.Studies have shown that females tend to send more sexts than males. The understanding the sexting phenomenon is necessary to gain a fuller insight into adolescents展开全文
【How Video Games Change the Brain】A research shows that playing certain video games improves vision, attention, spatial reasoning and decision making.The games that have the most powerful neurological effects are the ones parents hate the most: violent first-person shooters.展开全文
Volunteers who spent at least four days hiking with no communications or computing technology scored higher on creativity tests upon their return than did a control group. So the next time you get stuck on a tough problem, or can't seem to concentrate—try a walk in the woods.展开全文
【Tool Tells True Tweets from Fakes】Conventional wisdom holds that eventually Twitter users themselves will sort fact from rumor. A team of Yahoo researchers is using an algorithm to evaluate tweets within the overall Twitter flow to assess their veracity. 🔗 网页链接 展开全文