//@優優yuyu: It's HOT in malaysia here too! Keke! Khun oppa fighting ya! Looking forward to your new movie! Do you miss your members? Keke! Don't forget to get a present for junsu oppa! 展开全文Thailand is HOT Korea is COLD so how's the weather in China? =] stay healthy! 转发 1评论 0 原微博 SB筱琳
//@小Shi头爱SHOW: //@愛祥Show的曉怡: 咦?小白兔的尾巴肿么变成红色的啦? //@show_芋頭: //@Shining_Show_闕兒: 哈哈我重點在霜兒的球球上 原微博 SB筱琳
//@Rebelde5566: 原微博