和小舞蹈家们度过开心的一天〜那些和我一起从小小班跳到六年级的小天鹅们有没有很感触?!@Vin艺文 @张李小银 曹雪和陈赛的微博叫啥来着?Anyway〜我要卷土重来啦要不要一起?#找间好的舞蹈室真不容易,谢谢有@飞儿舞蹈工作室 # 原微博 Queenie静闻
#Les Miserables# Love the moments I was deeply moved & believe from deep inside that, material wealth has nothing to do with happiness. It is hope, love & faith that sit in the heart of our life, tame our past grief & wound, no matter how hopeless & disappointed we used to be. 展开全文原微博