想起這首經典旋律,不如應景翻譯成:East is red; sun has risen. China has produced a "smoked bacon." 還是把它改成furry bacon?//@文冤阁大学士: sun 1: she; sun 2: who; sun 3: after all, too young (sun 4: white cat vs. black cat; sun 5: smoked bacon)展开全文
or my possible application of an one-year graduation deferral in case the schedule cannot be modified. Details can be referred to my previous emails dating back to July 17.展开全文
"Go to this Youtube." 🔗 网页链接 //@中流青年: 這家港媒的總編輯王向偉是前中國日報記者,他以自我審查和努力開拓內地市場聞名。報紙自從被馬來西亞富商收購之後立場親中,說是港版Global Times也沒錯。記者Jasper Becker, Paul Mooney,Leu Siew Ying等都因為文章敏感而被解僱。展开全文