We can get more from nonverbal than verbal,which makes me disturbed and lost in thought.No one wants to be analysed and exposed almost completely,so terriblle if you live in such an unsafe environment.Recently we have learned these in the English class. 展开全文原微博 Oo-big-big-ru-oO
I have charged the CET6.I will try my best to 刷分 原微博 猪总notjust传说
突然头痛得厉害我还报名了十二点到六点的唱k。如果继续头痛就去不成了。乙醚跟苯都那么毒,昨天实验室呆了那么多个钟吸收了多少了啊坑爹的化学工作者,坑爹的化学家,坑爹的化学专业 原微博