新房的网络是小区到户光纤,小区开发时已经被本地ISP抢占铺设了网络,很遗憾Verizon Fios没能进驻。过去两年一直在用Fios,电视电话网络的质量都很满意。不能继续用Fios,免费无线路由器还回去之后搞了个买买提版上的“神油” Asus RT-N66U. 这家伙至少保证6000sft的房子无需任何AP,全家覆盖无死角。展开全文
信息量太大,Ed Henry, Valerie Jarrett, John Mc-Cain, The Po-liti-co, Steny Hoyer, Kevin Mc-Carthy, Mike Bloom-burg, Charile Rose悉数登场,太给Frank面子了!由一杯32oz的"Big Gulp"饮料贯穿的,好一个『House of Nerds』。展开全文
在『The Motley Fool』上读到一篇题为『Buy Gun Stocks When a Democrat is in Office』的文章,作者观点指出作为拥枪者本应支持共和党,可作为枪支厂牌流股票(ATK, RGR, SWHC)持有者却应投选民主党执政。显而易见,驴一当选,民众恐慌,枪支销售上涨大幅拉动股价。可矛盾是SW等公司本身应当支持哪派?展开全文 原微博
This is the democracy, hate the game, not the player. Lost the battle, fine, get your shit together and come up with a better plan, not whining 「shame on you」like a bitch afterwards. Gabby needs to talk to Dick's wife to figure out who the traitors are, and 「whip」their asses展开全文
A very powerful piece by Gabby Giffords. "if we cannot make our communities safer with the Congress we have now, we will use every means available to make sure we have a different Congress, one that puts communities’ interests ahead of the gun lobby’s." 🔗 网页链接转发 1评论 0
Hail to NRA-ILA today! 推荐必看的一个专栏是NRA-ILA的『Armed Citizen』,http://t.cn/zTM6mCK每周更新收集主流媒体不屑报道的,拿起武器的公民捍卫自我生命财产的鲜活事例。Again, in this country, driving is a privilege, bearing arms is not the privilege, but the fundamental human right.展开全文
AR买不着了吧?去年LE6920裸枪还$1150,现在都在$2000上下,感谢巴马感谢国家。镜子上了Eotech有点后悔,没上的还是Aimpoint一步到位吧。再说一嘴Magpul,大赞,比Colt原厂的家具质量手感明显高一档,应了那句话,AR界第三方厂商的产品岂是军规的垃圾能媲美的,unfair advantage, made in denver.展开全文
引用 “@美國駐港總領事館: 早!今天是本傑明富蘭克林的誕辰日。"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. "你同意嗎? 譯成中文怎麼說呢?”展开全文
岳母回国三周,我和老婆她三天我两天在家上班,与留守的岳父一起照顾Brady。才两天下来,就五体投地的钦佩那些全职母亲,宁可来回3小时开车通勤上班,一天也不能在家里多呆。Lonestar有首歌叫<Mr. Mom>,绝了,讲的就是我现在这种状态。"Honey, you are my hero." 🔗 网页链接展开全文