【谷歌资助研发的翻墙软件uProxy】据报道,谷歌日前在纽约展示了一款名为“uProxy”网络代理软件,该软件旨在帮助用户绕过网络审查,自由访问互联网。"uProxy"项目由华盛顿大学和非功利组织Brave New Software研发,由谷歌提供资金资助。"uProxy"目前还在测试阶段,申请测试链接为:uproxy.org展开全文
Guardian今天一个系列图片的介绍From Beijing to Bangkok, Stockholm to London, communities around the world get ready to celebrate the Chinese New Year and welcome in the year of the snake #听起来好厉害的感觉#展开全文
In 1908 Leo Tolstoy wrote A Letter to a Hindu, which said that only by using love as a weapon through passive resistance could the Indian people overthrow colonial rule. In 1909, Gandhi wrote to Tolstoy seeking advice and permission to republish A Letter to a Hindu in Gujarati.展开全文 原微博
The New Left can be defined as 'a loosely organized, mostly white student movement that advocated for democracy, civil rights and various types of university reforms and protested against the Vietnam war展开全文 原微博