" You can learn a lot about people from the stories they tell, but you can also know them from the way they sing along, whether they like the windows up or down, if they live by the map or by the world, if they feel the pull of the ocean. " by David Levithan 展开全文原微博 Mookoo
这些天做什么都很倦怠,能随时随地给自己找一千个理由逃避现实,心中虽焦虑但也素手无策。下午催周老师起床时见他贼兮兮的躲被子里玩手机,头上贴着我新年塞在他枕头底下的小红心,阳光此刻把整个房间打得金亮金亮。摁快门的时候决心斗志们就都回来了,真是完全没征兆。看来还是顺其自然的好。 原微博