@pwilson: In honor of taylorswift13 and her not 1, not 2, but 3 sold out concerts here in Nashville this weekend!! Here’s a #tbt to one of my favorite memories from the summer of 2010. Had no idea Maine was so beautiful. 展开全文原微博 Lucy13的围脖
尼玛要不要人活了,这期末作业逼死人啊(设计心理学8张招贴+设计报告,广告学公益、励志广告+5000字设计报告,印刷做包装,出版物做创意书籍,字体设计的T-shit设计,AI还没布置,我艹还有工作室)求活路啊,活路在哪儿@keys_hyun @YAOJIJI @L7_1 @陈奕迅你懂 @刘MIn敏敏 展开全文原微博 swifty13-V
Everybody's waiting for you to breakdown.. 原微博