妈蛋!作为少时的路人团饭,一早看到这样的信息,超级无语!sm在干嘛,少时作为公司内最赚钱的团体,还有影响力那么高,凭什么对她们下手!啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊,sica还有我krystal呢,难不成你要Krystal也对公司有隔阂!真是受不了了! I was excited about our upcoming fan events only to shockingly be informed by my company and 8 others that as of today, I'm no longer a member. I'm devastated - my priority and love is to serve as a member of GG, but for no justifiable reason, I am being forced out. 展开全文转发 108134评论 315204 原微博 Lexi珊珊
看着妹纸们像黏在那个钢管上一样,真心厉害,AS团里面最喜欢Raina了,我果然对包子脸的,不管男的女的,都没有免疫力啊 原微博