Great teas from UK @Voyage12 展开全文原微博 Leeeeeeeeeaving
A little gift to SunnyPark Cafe 纺织路63号103铺 @SunnyParkooo 有只好得意既加菲猫[愉快] 请店主有空到沙面@Voyage12 领取明信片 原微博 Leeeeeeeeeaving
Hugging #3「拥抱生活中的阴影」"所谓的受苦,其实90%以上来自我们相信自己的想法。通常情况下,我们总是选择自己想听的版本,符合自己需求的版本,可这未必是最好的版本。所以,当你不带着觉知和意识去选择时,你就是被命运在操弄着。"@Voyage12 原微博 Leeeeeeeeeaving
Good afternoon @Voyage12 原微博 Leeeeeeeeeaving
"霎那便是永劫—此生即为涅槃" It was the process, not the need, which was interesting. It was the completing, not the completion, which was really vital. Man came thus at once face to face with nature. A new meaning grew into the art of life. 展开全文原微博 Leeeeeeeeeaving
Someone's coffee toy! @tl_dr 原微博 Leeeeeeeeeaving
Amazingly beautiful!!! (Photography by 严冬 🔗 网页链接 ) @吾見左人 @Erona @Einer @tl_dr @Bearich2009 原微博