妈妈一边说这些演员演技太差,一边抱着纸巾擦眼泪的样子好好笑呀。大人的世界我不懂。 原微博 Lani正在输入中
拿到周立@Kelley的脑子进水了_周立 的签名照和贺卡啦啦!开心到难以置信!请你们不要羡慕嫉妒恨好吗? 原微博 LaniChunyu正在输入中
Every time when i wake up because of those annoying noises.i tries to ask myself to calm down, be good ,but deeply wish that ppl in the corridor could stop shouting at four o'clock in the morning for god's sake! Boys, don't cross the line too much !#sigh 展开全文原微博