yuchun oppa if u want to a girlfriend u can follows and writes personal letter to me and @ KarolRyu- as far as I am concerned I am very happy u can do it.In this fucking midnight!!!!!Karol xxx@JYJcomeon展开全文 原微博
#金泰妍#宝贝今天真是暴风taengstagram刚刚赞了where's the food的图,又follow这个发布者,现在又给这张图评论“I neet something to eat!!and more caffeine!!!!!!” “:(” 宝贝萌爆了:( taeng baby又饿又困,快给我们early bird吃的和咖啡!屋里宝贝发飙很可怕的!也很可爱展开全文