Everybody has two stories, one of which we tell people, the other we don't; as one is a good story, the other a great one because it tells more.展开全文 原微博
Thousands of protestors have died in clashes with the military all across Egypt, the military that ousted the democratically elected president Morsi came to set up and support the Interim Gov't which staged the violent clean-up. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
@Vincy维C心在路上 全世界的领馆都在连线身在阿富汗的Sandra Day O'Corner ,nominated by President in 1981,and resigned in2006.提问都交上Twitter 等着被回答。老人家蛮精神的,但对比四年前差远了…Twitter上有人shout out“MY QUESTION NEED TO BE ANSWERED” 连主持人都笑了展开全文
If true this would be unacceptable...a major infringement of free speech and a serious violation of the ppl's right under the Consitution...this would discourage so many and definitely encumber the due process of political reform..//@Vista-line好: 只能用省略号来代表我说的话了。展开全文