We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky!The thing that I feel is stronger than love What a special surprise which full of love that you gave me!The last but not the least,I've never forgotten the name of the shoe:M.J.M PEriri&MJM Thanks my baby@Curry-CInsanity 展开全文原微博 JMinEMag
#Song from a secret garden#Secret Garden:Rolf Lovland &Fionnuala Sherry 爱尔兰空灵飘渺的乐风以及挪威民族音乐及古典音乐 每个人心目中都有一块属于自己的领地 每当痛苦失望或消沉时 就需要抒缓情绪寻找内心的平静和安慰 这块藏在每个人内心的土地 就是Secret Garden. 展开全文原微博