While on paper the screen is beaten by the iPad 4’s 9.7in 2048 x 1536 resolution “retina” display, photos look colourful and detailed while text appears pin sharp and easily legible on websites .Retina屏幕就是分辨率高!经验证,世界最小色差屏幕 展开全文原微博 CXY-晓晓
啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊,我不要不要,不要Ezra为大一,黑一点就好,不要黑太多啦。。。。我宁愿相信Alison双胞胎的版本啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!@陈洪媛是青志人也是模大人 原微博 CXY-晓晓
玉泽演吃醋的样子好可爱啊,哈哈哈吃尼坤的醋啊他。。。哈哈哈@Donlvm_涓生灬 //@鬼鬼吴映洁: 第五集可以看了:) 原微博 CXY-晓晓
#We got married#玉泽演和鬼鬼。。。泽演好耐看啊!!好帅啊!!!欧巴啊啊啊啊。。。太可爱了。。。 原微博 Hello蔡晓仪
Life is a huge stage.Everyone is an actress or actor, I won't be surprised to find out you are acting.Integrity is the most useless thing in 原微博