外媒开始报道朱令案了,感谢在海外出差的@李开复 老师注意到报道,我刚翻译完,请大家指正。文章写得专业客观,非常棒。以@姚晨 的微博开头,以@一毛不拔大师 的感慨结尾,读来酣畅淋漓。 If we don’t stand up for Zhu Ling, people reason, who will stand up for me? 原版: 🔗 网页链接展开全文
#Game of Thrones Ascent# Greetings Bannermen, We wanted to give you an update and tell you what's happening. When we opened the doors on Thursday, we had no idea that about 100K people would want to be in the Open beta within the first days of launch! 服务器被刷爆……展开全文 原微博